Re: TI-86 3D games


Re: TI-86 3D games

Insomniac wrote:
> I am in need of some good 3D action games, like doom and wolfenstien, if
> anybody could send some to me, i'd really appreciate it, i need
> something to do in the middle of Spanish 3 class.. it's getting boring
> playing the same 2D games over and over again, also, does anybody know
> if the Renewlel batteries are any good??? i had them in my calculator 2
> weeks, and they were dead, but when i put Energizers in my calculator,
> (TI-86) they won't go dead, and i've been trying to run them dead for
> 6-7 weeks and they aren't even dented in their power.... Oh well, thanx
> :)
Whoa late message.....

3D action games? uh... the only 3D i can imagine is Plain Jump, which
get's boring after awhile (now if only i knew how to make my own lvl
string files... ah well). I've started playing sqrxz a lot more (i've
actually gotten to level 3 on World 1!!! :) And I beat the Super Mario
Bros's level, very nice, and easy. :) Just take a look at some games,
try em out on your calc, if u don't like em, you can always delete and
put some more on.

The Renewals are GOOD, depending on how you use your calc (do you use it
24/7?) and if you charge them often. I've run my renewals from contrast
2 to 8, and it went for about 8 weeks. (now i really saw that:

Your Batteries are low.

Recommend change of batteries.

(press enter, then on) and you'll see it again.

-(: Modem Boy :)-
-(: -=TI-86=- :)-

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