Re: TI92 ROM


Re: TI92 ROM

On Sat, 23 Aug 1997 17:01:35 -0600, wrote:

>Can someone please post the TI92 rom for all of us owners who have the
>TI-GraphLink. There is no way for us to get a romdump with this link
>because its not compatible with LINK program that comes with Fargo. It
>is not illegal to distribute the rom as long as the people who use the
>rom own the calc. Will someone please post it or send it to me?
>                                      zebeedoot
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It's almost as easy to transfer the ROM using a serial or graph-link
cable. what you do is this:
1) Load fargo and romdump2.92p (in the prog directory) onto your
2) Hook up your graphlink to whatever comport you use.
3) On your computer, start up whatever terminal program you have, and
set it up for use with whatever com port you have your graph-linlk on,
using a 9600 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
4) Set it up to capture to a text file (you may need to do this by
selecting download, then choosing ascii as your protocol. start it
5) Execute romdump2 on your calculator.
6) After a while (it took me 2 hours) your calculator will finish and
go back to the fargo menu. at this point, stop the capture or transfer
on your computer and exit your terminal program.
7) On your computer, execute romconv.exe in the bin subdirectory of
your fargo directory, using the following syntax:
ROMCONV fromfile.ext tofile.ext
where fromfile.ext is the file you captured to and tofile.ext is the
filename you want to save the rom as.
et voila! you have your rom.
