ASH review


ASH review

ASH is an extremely nice shell.  It still lacks two or three things and it
will be right on the button of what a shell should be.

Good features:
Nice layout and intro screen
The names of the authors are confined to the entry and exit screens
Name of shell at the top of the screen ONLY
Rarely crashes (if any)
Ability to run programs directly from TI-OS
FAST and small programs
TWO different ways to exit the shell
Pressing [2nd][LINK] will run the link menu (good for programmers)
Does what its supposed to without extra keypresses (that is, run programs)

Things that need to be fixed:
The highlight bar would look a lot nicer if it adjusted itself to fit the
Take out the ending screen (easier to use as a "teacher key")

There are MANY more good features to ASH v3.0, I just didn't have the time
to write all of them.  I think most people will agree that ASH v3.0 is very
close to a ZSHELL look-alike (which was Dines Justesen's objective).  Just
a few more tweaks and it will be a perfect shell.  WAY TO GO ASH
DEVELOPERS!!!  You did a GREAT job!

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"