Re: Random Numbers


Re: Random Numbers

Cause that will eliminate certain numbers.

If a rand number generator returns a number between 1 and 10, and I
multiply the result by 10, I will never get 53. I suppose I could
multiply several random numbers, but that does not allow the
elimination of numbers over 93, etc.

On Fri, 22 Aug 1997 11:18:36 -0400, "Dana Levine"
<> wrote:

>Why don't you just get a small random number and then multiply it by an
>appropriate factor to get a number between 1 and 63?
>Matt Maurano wrote in message <>...
>>I need a random set of coordinates anywhere on the screen (In
>>82-assembly). Basically, I need a random number function that will
>>return a number between 1 and 93. It shouldn't be too hard to modify
>>the code to get a number between 1 and 63 after we get the x
>>coordinate. The only random number functions I've seen either don't
>>work, or only work with small values (<15). Any help?

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