ZShell files


ZShell files

        Once, I accidentally hit Delete when my cursor was on a ZShell file on
my TI-85.  The calculator locked up and I had to yank out the battery to
get it to work again.  I lost everything.
        A week later, I was going through the normal programs on the calc, and
I accidentally hit Run on a certain program, and the same thing
happened:  lock-up, battery, memory wipe.
        Can anyone give me a list of the files which are unsafe to touch, or do
I have to lock it up and restore it from my backup a hundred times to
get the list myself?  Thank you for any help.
     wear a cotton-polyester blend T-Shirt. [Lev. 19:19]
              Jawaad Ahmad
    jia103@psu.edu   jia103@juno.com