Re: help on asm
Re: help on asm
On Sat, 16 Aug 1997, Lois M Kertesz wrote:
> Sorry if this sounds dumb - I have not been on list this summer and now I
> find that there is a "zshell" type of hack into the '82 - actually it
> sounds like there is more than one.
There are two: Ash (by Dines Justesen) and OS-82 (by Jason Todd). They're
not compatible with each other.
> 1. best place to go to get download - with easy to understand
> instructions
All you need to do is download it and send the included file to your
calculator... If it's a memory backup, you'll first have to send any
information you wish to keep to your computer, then load the backup file
and reload everything you kept.
> 3. Is z80 assembler similar to tasm ?
TASM is a program which takes assembly language files and translates them
into code which the calculator's CPU (in this case, a Z80) can understand.
Nick Zitzmann No WWW page right now.
(Resident Macintosh Tweaker)
"We have liftoff, Houston!"
- Dalton (Chrono Trigger)