Re: Trying to understand HAL


Re: Trying to understand HAL

 e e wrote in article <>...

>On Sun, 10 Aug 1997 17:31:04 GMT Reinier Zwitserloot
><R.Zwitserloot@BTINTERNET.COM> writes:
>>On Thu, 7 Aug 1997 00:21:07 -0400, e e <bike17@JUNO.COM> wrote:
>>>I am trying to understand the point of HAL.  What I have gathered so
>>>is that HAL allows you to take a program written in BASIC, and
>>>it to ASM.  Ok, I understand that ASM gives you added features that
>>>doesn't have, such as gray-scale on the screen, but why in the world
>>>would you want to transfer a BASIC program to ASM?  It the same
>>>code, right?  How is it going to be any better in ASM than in BASIC?

It will be 10 to 100 times faster than a BASIC program, depending on what
you're trying to do.

Tom Lake
