Windows 95 & SuperHAL...
Windows 95 & SuperHAL...
I'm not sure if this is just a problem with Visual BASIC or if something
might not be working correctly inside HAL; but when I run SuperHAL under
Windows 95, no matter what I try, it won't save a file.
I tried setting up a new partition with DOS 6.2 & Windows 3.1.
Unfortunately, the PC components emulated on my Mac are just too new to
support Windows 3.1 sufficiently. I was able to get it to run twice, after
which the mouse ceased to work and sometimes shutting down Windows would
cause a "processor error" in my emulator.
Any ideas? I'd **really** appreciate a DOS version of SuperHAL, DOS-based
software runs soooooo much faster & easier on my system than anything
that's based on Windows.
Nick Zitzmann No WWW page at this time.
(Resident Macintosh Tweaker)
Windows 95:
From the people who brought you