Re: Correcting Was: "Re: Uhhh... What is "VBRUN100.DLL"?"


Re: Correcting Was: "Re: Uhhh... What is "VBRUN100.DLL"?"

Joseph Gaffney wrote:
> At 05:47 PM 8/7/97 -0400, Andrew Wendt wrote:
> >Go to an average computer software store. There you will find programs that
> >need Windows to run. And they have a list of requirements your computer must
> >fulfill, such as having the right amount of disk space, memory, etc. Because
> >it is a Windows program, it will require Windows. They don't bundle Windows
> >if you don't have it, or extra memory in case you need more.
> It was an example, understood?
> >The program in question is a Windows program. Obviously it requires Windows.
> >That is why people don't expect Windows to be in the zip file. Your argument
> >about this is really pathetic.
> Again, example. You're quite literal, and alltogether funny by being so =).
> >If there was something on the SuperHAL web page saying "This program requires
> >VBRUN100.DLL in order to run" people wouldn't have been surprised by this
> >requirement.
> Apparantly you haven't seen the HAL web page.  They barely had time to make
> a link to the zip itself.

This is the worst argument I've ever heard. They didn't have time to do

<A HREF="URL to the DLL file here">Click here for necessary DLL</a>

That's bullshit. It took me about 5 seconds to type that line.

>I mean, c'mon, how hard is it really to find the
> damn dll? Or can't you figure out how to "point and click your way" around
> yet? =).

How STUPID are you? Don't you realize that we're not talking about how
easy it is to get the file! I'm sure everyone on this list could find
the file in a minute if they needed to. It is not hard at all! The fact
of the matter is, the file should have been included in the ZIP, *or*,
better yet, put on the web page as a separate download for those that
don't have it. Your argument is WEAK, and you keep trying to say how you
are "laughing" at everything sensible being told to you. I hope that you
realize how stupid you sound when you say that you are laughing at
something that is correct!

[ugly-ass sig that doesn't line up (even w/fixed width font) snipped]

Joe Davison

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