Re: IMPORTANT, remove Oshell programs
Re: IMPORTANT, remove Oshell programs
On Mon, 28 Jul 1997 17:04:07 +0200, Dines Justesen
<c958362@STUDENT.DTU.DK> wrote:
>[more snipping].
It's in your full rights as copyright holder to request this.
However, don't you think he deserves some respect at least? I have
seen that message floating about a bit, and he put *a lot* of work
into allowing conversion between O-shell and ASH, whilst they should
have been completely compatible in the first place with some more talk
and cooperation between the respective authors.
And, now, it's converted. He saved you all the trouble free of charge.
Absolutely no disrespect intended- I never thought asm was even
possible on the 82, but cooperation on something new the corporate
world hasn't looked at yet is always the winning solution.
(for an excellent program, not for getting the most mulah.)