Re: Uhhh... What is "VBRUN100.DLL"?
Re: Uhhh... What is "VBRUN100.DLL"?
At 11:53 PM 8/4/97 -0400, you wrote:
>> I also provided a "vital" piece of software to HAL. Its my SpriteDraw
>> routine from my Graphics Library (v2.0). However, its already being
>> ported
>> to other calculators (because its so cool :), so I really don't mind.
>> All
>> you 85 and 86 programmers expect to see this routine soon! James Yopp
>> is
>> porting it, if you wanted to know.
>Where can I find this "Graphics Library (v2.0)"?
Try downloading the ASH <-> OShell-82 Development Kit v1.0. GRAPH.H,
GRAPH.INC, and several text files make up the graphics library. You can
get the latest version of the kit from the official web site at
<>. I will be releasing a bug fix to the
graphics library to this list. V1.1 of the kit will contain this bug fix
and source to SQRXZ.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"