Mem cleared
Mem cleared
Subject: Mem cleared
From: Undetermined origin c/o LISTSERV administrator <owner-LISTSERV@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM>
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 1997 21:25:56 +0000
Comments: Authenticated sender is <>
Comments: RFC822 error: <W> Incorrect or incomplete address field found and ignored.
Comments: RFC822 error: <W> Incorrect or incomplete address field found and ignored.
Comments: RFC822 error: <W> Incorrect or incomplete address field found and ignored.
Comments: RFC822 error: <E> Mail origin cannot be determined.
Comments: RFC822 error: <E> Original tag data was -> "Dan" <>
Priority: normal
Reply-To: Undetermined origin c/o LISTSERV administrator <owner-LISTSERV@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM>
On my TI 83, I was deleting the real variables in order to free up
some space. When I got around letter J, it froze for a few seconds
then said "memory cleared." Of course, I had some good programs and
they're all gone. Is this an isolated incident or has it happened to
anyone else?
Dan Ross
Professional Slacker
"Defending the world from the wrath of the stupid people."