HAL Falmes?


HAL Falmes?

        OK so HAL is buggy and it was delayed... So what.  Even though HAL
was still in Beta it was released early because people asked for it so for
thoughs of you who are complaining that it is buggy, wait for a better
vers.  The rest of you complaing that it was delayed a few days,  it was
actually released earlly considering it is still in beta the programmers
who wrote (in my understanding) were going to wait to release it untill
beta testing was over.  Lastly all you nuts who keep crying "I get too
much mail about HAL" take 2 mins. and D/L a filter program and block the
messagesabout HAL.
        I am sorry if I offended you,but I am a little pissed of about all
this HAL is a good idea and I am really hopeing that it continues to get
better and I hate it when people shoot out their mouths at the drop of a
P.S.  Didn't your mother ever tell you "If you can't say something nice
hut the hell up."