Grab a fire extinguisher! HAL is being flamed uncontrollably!


Grab a fire extinguisher! HAL is being flamed uncontrollably!

As we promised almost a week ago, HAL has been posted at

> Actually, I couldn't care less about HAL.

Upon reading your letters and responses to other letters, you foooled me
pretty well.
I would swear HAL was your life and 12 more hours was just too much for you.

> My message was on the behalf of
> all those people chompin' at the bit waiting to get their hands, actually
> calcs, on it.  I am just sick and tired of seeing all of these stupid
> announcements about delayed release dates and non-exist ant parties
> cluttering up the e-mail.

There were two letters in the past four days concerning HAL sent from this
address to CALC-TI. I have no control over other people. But wait, isn't that
purpose of the mailing list? To allow people to discuss topics and get
about things they're interested in? If you hate e-mail so much, why are you
on a
voluntary mailing list? Nobody's stopping you from screening "HAL" either.

>  For the most part I am a real programmer and
> don't have all that much time to waste on calculator programming, although
> I have done several serious applications that I use when I teach my upper
> division math classes.

That's fine. I undersatnd and respect that. So again, why are you on this

> I don't care about Ash, z-Shell, o-Shell, or any of those other shells
> either.  Besides, the only thing that shells have brought us are even more
> games, and more e-mail cluttering up the lists.

How is GRAPH-TI? Isn't that a more teacher-oriented list? They probably get
less than one letter a week. Sounds like what you're looking for.

> At 08:40 PM 7/31/97 PDT, you wrote:
>> WE feel mighty sure about are self's don't we? I'm just curious if you
>> would have said the same things if the zshell release party had been
>> delayed? or how about ash-oshell-usgard and the
>> redesigning of their web page? Or should I just pass you off as an
>> over anxious person that wants to get their hands on HAL and wants
>> it NOW! It brings up the question of who the mature person really is.

Thank you for defending HAL while we were too busy trying to get AOL to
post HAL to read any mail.

> Now here is a truly mature statement.  FYI, Hot Wheels didn't even exist
> when I was a kid.  As to the alphabet blocks, I'm sure you know where you
> can put them.  The criticism was legitimate.  Give me one good reason you
> can't release Hal without your silly little party and I'll shut up about
> it.  Now grow up and use your time constructively instead of wasting your
> time defending an indefensible position.

You complain about his statement being immature and then you follow
it with this one:
> As to the alphabet blocks, I'm sure you know where you can put them.
Hmm...the word hypocrite comes to mind.

> Give me one good reason you can't release Hal without your silly little
> and I'll shut up about it.
We're going to be hearing from you for a while, aren't we. As I said a week
and yesteday, HAL has been posted.

>> Run along now and go play with your Hot Wheels or your alphabet
>> blocks. :)
>>> OK, so you have this great program, Hal.  And it will allow users who are
>>> not great assembler programs to produce programs in assembler. And
>>> there will be some motivation for programmers to write real programs, not
>>> games, that have better performance than would be possible in Basic.

All true.

>>> Finally, we might have what appears to be a very good program development
>>> platform.

I don't know if I'd go THAT far.

>>> But......  Your egos are are so enormous that you won't release it until
>>> you can have your silly AOL party.

In fact, we have very little ego whatsoever. The reason we wanted to have the
in the first place is to explain some of the hard-to-work parts and bugs in
isn't even close to perfect yet (but that's our goal) and is still a little
confusng to use.
The almost nonexistant help file juust compounds this problem.

>>>  I think this is a real indicator of the
>>> maturity of the authors of this program.  Release the damn thing. Don't
>>> e-mail it, put it up on Ti-calc or wherever.  At least people can start
>>> using it.

It won't be posted on until we don't have to worry about constant
and bug fixes.

>>> Then, those who care, can come to your little AOL party when you have it,
>>> and you can have your moment of glory.

That was what we decided on when we were hit by the realization that we
be attending our own release party.

>>>  A truly mature individual...

Like yourself?

>>> ...understands that the real pride in writing a quality program comes
>>> others using it rather than from a bunch of kids sitting around on some
>>> or in some Chat room giving the author the obligatory strokes. Grow up
>>> already.

Okay, Mr. Domroy, Sir. Thank you for enlightening us.

>>> domroy

The Great aArdvark,
& The authors of HAL
