Re: A82 Web Sites: Remove Pong 1.3 <OShell082>
Re: A82 Web Sites: Remove Pong 1.3 <OShell082>
At 08:44 PM 7/31/97 -0700, you wrote:
>I am the author of Pong 1.3 and would appreciate it if Pong 1.3 for
>OShell-82 was removed. It seems during the conversion process from Ash to
>OShell, the game became, well, crap. If you play this game using Ash,
>it's prefectly fine. TIA for your cooperation.
I'm sorry to say that the ASH version is EXACTLY the same as the OShell-82
version (downloaded the latest version from I even
downloaded the latest version of the source (v1.3 minor bug fix) to my
machine and re-compiled it. It's the exact same thing no matter what I do
(even if its for ASH). If you don't like it, then re-write your source
code so that it does work.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"