Re: Parts to fix a broken TI-85 screen?


Re: Parts to fix a broken TI-85 screen?

On Fri, 27 Sep 1996, Zenon Links wrote:

> Yeah!  Mine is missing 1 horizontal line (128 pixels!) and my cousin is
> missing 8 lines (1024 pixels!!!)!  What can we do about this??!

I've heard that the wires can come loose inside the 85.  Just take it apart,
and find the ribbon (sounds like the problem will be the vertical one, that
goes on the side) and put something inside the case, to push the wire back
where it's supposed to be.

                              The nice thing about Windows is that it does
Tony Lieuallen                     not just crash...  It displays a dialog               box and lets you press 'OK' first.
