Parallel Links for the TI-82, TI-85, and TI-92
Parallel Links for the TI-82, TI-85, and TI-92
Subject: Parallel Links for the TI-82, TI-85, and TI-92
From: Hugh F. Tong <Zenon@BBS.NEXES.COM>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 15:46:06 -0600
In-Reply-To: <>
Alright all. I'm tired of people mailing in here saying they want programs
they can type in or that they have problems with their link and what not.
I'm going to start a service building the parallel link (since it is the
easiest, cheapest and most efficient one) for people who don't have a link.
Since I live in Canada, the prices may be a little more expensive, but
it's fast for everyone. Hopefully people can now complain less about
problematic (unless it's my fault, but I will test all links before they go
out) links and typing things in. The standard parallel link (which does
include a nice male DB25 25 pin socket to fit the parallel port and a
circuit board) will cost $6.25 US. The parallel link with an extra port to
fit in the printer as well will cost $10.00. The 6ft. 3.5mm jack -> 3.5mm
jack is $7.00 (or you can get your own) and the 3.5mm stereo socket ->
2.5mm stereo jack converter goes for $4.75, which I recommend you buy
yourself if you live in the states. The two links both come with 3.5mm
stereo sockts. With the last two components, you add it onto the total
cost. Shipping is about $2.00. The software is at (or something like that) which is
what I recommend if you use Windows. Also download the parallel port
upgrade (C8U60304.ZIP). Otherwise else, look on their pages to find
Link82XP, Link85XP, or Link92XP, though the Link82XP isn't supposed to work
yet. If anyone is interested or has any comments (absolutely NO FLAMES)
please e-mail me at the address above; Thank you, and
I hope to be hearing from someone soon.