Restriction of TI-92s (fwd)


Restriction of TI-92s (fwd)

92 look to much like a laptop/subnotebook computer, if they allows these
into "offical" entrance tests it would set an undisirable president
towards someone else arguing that if '92 and the like of qwerty
keyboarded programmible calc into the test, why can't they bring a full
blown PC-clone Laptop or apple power book?

Sad times we live in.....

my little ti85 got me throught calc i to iii, last half of my comp sci
electives, including much computer graphics classes.
IE I would have been
in deep trouble/doo doo with out my spare math brain
Charles Slaustas - Comp Sci


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 13:33:47 -0000
From: Casey Liss <gryffin@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Restriction of TI-92s

I was just wondering... why is it that TI-92s aren't allowed on SATs and other
tests.  Are there any teachers out there that can explain this to me?

Thanx in advance,
Casey Liss

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Casey Liss, aka Gryffin or

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