FAQ Posting Information
FAQ Posting Information
Subject: FAQ Posting Information
From: Magnus Hagander <mha@RBK.SOLLENTUNA.SE>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1996 00:01:03 +0200
In-Reply-To: <>
This message is automatically posted.
It is posted here to inform about the existance
of a couple of FAQ:s for this list.
To get a list of these FAQ:s, mail to
"majordomo@rbk.sollentuna.se" with "index tifaq"
in the message body.
To get a faq, wite a message to the same address
with "get tifaq <filename>" (e.g. "get tifaq zshell.faq")
in the message body.
At the writing of this message (which is long before
it is posted), it contained FAQ:s for ZShell, questions
on the mailing list (the official FAQ), and a listing
of InterNet sites with TI calculator resources.
This message is posted once a week, on mondays.
//Magnus Hagander