Re: Help!!
What I would do is promt Y1, and then prompt X. All that you need to do
to make it work is when it prompts you for Y1, you need to put a "first.
Hope this helps!
Promp Y1,X
Disp Y1
That is how to do it on the 82, I would guess it would be the same on the
85! for text mail! for mail with attachments only!
On Sun, 22 Sep 1996 01:40:30 GMT AC <ac001@IX.NETCOM.COM> writes:
>I'm trying to make a very BASIC program. I want my 85 to plugin an x
>value into f(x). I made a program which works, but you have to edit
>program to put what you want for f(x). But I want it so that it
>you for the equation, then the x value, then computes the f(x).
> _________ ___________________________
> / __ / / / __ / ___/ __ /__ __/
> / / /__/ __ / ___/ / / /
> /__/__/_____/_____/_____/__/\__/ /__/
> ____________________ __________ (ALBERT CHANG)
> / ___/ / / __ / \/ / ____/
> / /__/ / / / / /
> /_____/__/__/__/__/__/\__/______/
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