Re: (Link Problems)


Re: (Link Problems)

Alex D. wrote:
> Help, my Parallel link doesnt work. I built the $5 link and it doesnt
> work, I stuck paper clips inside the LPT1 and did everything it says
> with the diodes and stuff, it doesnt work, when I send, both my
> calculator and PC give me a transmit error. At least I know I'm
> connected. Is my TI-85 messed up, I have bios version 10.0. PLEASE HELP

This is an easy problem to solve.  This link I customized it by using a
25pin DB25 male port I bought from an electronics store (you could get
it at Radio Shack), hook up the pins to the corresponding numbers from
the made link you have (don't use a home-made cable!) and just plug the
whole unit into your printer port.  Then use a 6ft. 3.5mm jack -> 3.5mm
jack and plug that into the 3.5mm socket you have mounted onto your link
(corresponding to the right connections on the link cable) and use a
3.5mm socket -> 2.5mm jack connector and hook that to your TI-85!  It
works!  I know it sounds intricate (I'm sort of explaining it in a
messed up way) but I'll get a graphic going around.

(formerly "")
