Re: TI-85 vs. TI-82
Or put EVAL in one of your custom buttons on the TI-85. Then you simply
follow that button with your value of x, and you will get y(x) for *all*
resident functions.
> From: Tony Lieuallen <marvin@SATURN.SUPERLINK.NET>
> > At 01:07 AM 9/20/96 -0400, P. Kolbus wrote:
> >IMHO, however, you may (small possibility) want to keep the TI-82 for
> >reasons: 1) a kickass table and 2) direct function evaluation (in
> >you enter y1(x) and it gives you y1 at x rather than multiplying). The
> on the 85, that's really easy too:
> whatever\->\x
> y1
> tada!