Re: Number of digits in a number [82]


Re: Number of digits in a number [82]

Try this... heavily commented quick&dirty TI-basic, lemme know if it doesn't

assuming the expression is in expr

abs(expr)\->\tmp               ; save expr for future use, we also want a
; positive # for the log(expr)

lbl tsta                       ; slide decimals left
if int(tmp)==tmp               ; do we have an integer?
goto tstb                      ;  <------------------------------------------+
tmp*10\->\tmp                  ; no? slide!                                  |
goto tsta                      ; and chk again...                            |
                               ;                                             |
lbl tstb                       ; slide large magnitudes right                |
if mod(tmp,10)\<>\0            ; if you want 90 to show 2 s.f.'s, remove     |
goto inow                      ; this section and change tstb above to inow -+
goto tstb

lbl inow                       ; we are home free...
int (log(tmp)+1)\->\sfigs      ; sfigs is # of sig figs...

'Course, this only works if expr is nonzero, but who would convert 0?

At 23:29 9/18/96 GMT, you wrote:
>I need to know how to find the number of digits in a number. For
>Number: Digits:
>.1234   4
>1.23     3
>9          1
>For those interested, this is for the second flag passed to the round(
>function. Its for a convert program I've been working on, and it would
>help if I could round the answer to the number of significant digits.
>Please E-Mail responses. Thanks in advance.
>P.S.: Right now, the program is ~<1k and does standard to and from
>metric, as well as time conversions. If anyone wants me to post it,
>just E-Mail me.
>Matt Maurano
| Peter Kolbus                           +1.810.474.0872 |
|      #include <disclaimer.h> |
| Due to financial problems, the light at the end of     |
|   the tunnel has been permanently disconnected.        |
|                                                        |
| Who is General Failure, and who gave him permission    |
|    to read drive C?                                    |
|                                                        |
| ***Written using 100% recycled electrons***            |
|         *** (70% post-consumer) ***                    |
