Re: TI-85 ROM for 85 emulator
Jose' M. Gallego wrote:
> How can I download it from my ti-85?
> I do have the link cable and the winlink software.
To get an image of the rom use the dump rom program. First make
the .85b files as descreibed in the dump rom docs, then convert them
to .bin files (see the dump rom batch file for info on how to do this).
You will now have 8 files page0..7 .bin, a few bytes have to be
corrected and the files has to be copied together. For this you can
use my program FixRom ver 1.01 which does all of this, or you can do it
yourself using DOS and a hexeditor.
The dump rom program and FixRom ver 1.01 can be found at my homepage.
BTW you will need to enter your Rom version # which can be found by
pressing [mode][alpha][s] (do not press enter after this).
Dines Justesen
Email: dines@MAILHOST.NET or