Re: ZShell Program Size


Re: ZShell Program Size

On Tue, 17 Sep 1996, Tim Potter wrote:

>  Ok now onto the subject of this message.  Does anyone know approximately the
> size of a
>  gameboy game(in K)  The reason why I want to know this is because I have some
> ideas for
>  games but am unsure if they would fit on the TI-85.  For those wondering what
> types of
>  games( a Final Fantasy type of game, Ultima, Hockey, Zelda, Racing Game:RC Pro
> AM, Pole
>  Position to name a few)  If that type of programs would be to big I will wait
> until
>  Fargo is released.

There is a gameboy newsgroup with a lot of pointers to downloaded
gameboy games.  No telling how they did that.  You can check the
sizes there.  Just do a search on gameboy fir the newsgroup name.

You probably don't really need to know the size, though.  You can
pick a game and just include the features you have room for.  If
this is your first shot at it, I'd make it real real simple till
you get a feel for it.

