Re: TI-92 Assembly


Re: TI-92 Assembly

Steven Wolfe wrote:

>     Have you read the Fargo update?  It seems that at this point, it's
> so close to completed that it would be pointless to ask TI for help.
> It's like wondering if you should have taken the bus when you've
> already gone seven miles on foot and are a block from your destination.

I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, before the latest issue of the TI-GCM
was released, David Ellsworth (who had originally done the update for
the TI-GCM) wanted to know when the latest issue would be released
so he could tell me if Fargo would already be out.

This was when the TI-GCM was already overdue; in other words,
Fargo was/is due out VERY soon.

Thanks for an informative post.

- Paul
