$4 Serial Link Cable


$4 Serial Link Cable

I was thinking about the $45 Graph-Link cable again today, and of
course, the $4 serial link popped up in my head again.  I've built it,
but I haven't gotten it to work successfully yet.

What I'm wondering is whether the problem lies in my cable or the fact
that I have a TI-83 (not mentioned in the doc's.)  Should I borrow a 82
or 85 and try the cable?  Has anyone tried this with an 83 before?  I
have tried a friend's 82, but FWIW I was told it has a faulty link port.
:)  Needless to say that didn't work either.

If this all fails I might just have to "give in" and pay $50 for the
Graph-Link!  I can't wait to put all the programs in!


 __  /_______ _______ _____  __   Tony Do - Franklin, WI
 _  __/_  __ \__  __ \__  / / /   tonyd@execpc.com
 / /_  / /_/ /_  / / /_  /_/ /    cle@csd.uwm.edu
 \__/  \____/ /_/ /_/ _\__, /     http://www.uwm.edu/~cle
                      /____/      USR Sportster 33.6k