Re: TI-92 Assembly


Re: TI-92 Assembly

In <> Tim Potter <>
>As all you know Fargo is still in development and wont be out for a
while.  This ok to
>me, I know trying to figure how to program in ASM can be tough.  What
my gripe is why is
>TI doing assembly support on the 83 and not on the 92.  That way Fargo
could be out much
>quicker.  People are already making programs on the 83 and it came out
about 3-5 months
>ago. Maybe if the developers of Fargo could get some support from TI
maybe Fargo would
>be out quicker.
>Tim Potter

    Have you read the Fargo update?  It seems that at this point, it's
so close to completed that it would be pointless to ask TI for help.
It's like wondering if you should have taken the bus when you've
already gone seven miles on foot and are a block from your destination.

-DAN Wolfe
