TI-92 bug (revisited)


TI-92 bug (revisited)

I just picked up my TI-92 today, (un?)fortunately it is only a ROM 1.7.
However, I was able to get 'undefined' for some removable singularities.
I'm curious whether the bug was introduced in later versions... In 1.7,
everything is as it should be...

Define y1(x)=(x^2-6x+5)/(x-5)                    Done

y1(x)                                             x+1

y1(5)                                           undef

limit(y1(x),x,5)                                    4

ZoomDec               [graph of y1(x), hole at (5,4)]

Table: tblStart 2
       delta    .5
       Graph<->Table OFF
       Independent [Auto]
x     y1
2.    1.
2.5   1.5
3.    2.
3.5   2.5
4.    3.
4.5   3.5
5.    undef

Now, if there is anyone with a ROM version other than 1.7 (especially later
ROMs) PLEASE reply via personal email, or to the list.  I want to be able to
see removable singularities, and if this problem exists in later versions,
I'd like to know before I exchange mine.  Also, reply via personal email if
there are any known bugs in 1.7...

| Peter Kolbus                           +1.810.474.0872 |
| ae607@detroit.freenet.org      #include <disclaimer.h> |
| Due to financial problems, the light at the end of     |
|   the tunnel has been permanently disconnected.        |
|                                                        |
| Who is General Failure, and who gave him permission    |
|    to read drive C?                                    |
|                                                        |
| ***Written using 100% recycled electrons***            |
|         *** (70% post-consumer) ***                    |