Re: TI-85 Graph Link


Re: TI-85 Graph Link <> [4 Sep 1996 20:32:30 GMT]: TI-85 Graph Link
>I need a TI-85 Graph Link.  I called TI and they said it would be $45 without
> e software
>(no problem, since I already downloaded it off the website).
>Does anyone know where I can get them any cheaper?
>Help, Please!!!!
>Thanks in advance,

If you have a soldering iron you can make one for only 5$ worth of parts and
the link works with link85 and connect-85 software. (For DOS/WIN users) this
link is also the only link to work on xlink85 (For Linux users). Look on the
web for info on the link. If you still can't find it I suppose I could post
it. (It's a bit lengthy any my news connnection is slow)
