TI-92 linking


TI-92 linking

I am borrowing a TI-92 for a few days, and i have a TI-85.  I bought a
computer link for the 85 a while ago and never had a problem.  I tried
to use this same link for the 92 and I get an transmission error.  I can
send from the 92 to my computer, but not from the computer to the 92.
Any ideas out there?


|   ______    _______   _______   _______                                     |
|  |  __  \  |  ___  |\|  _____|\|____  /\            cbogwill@iastate.edu    |
|  | |__|  |\| |\__| | | |\_____\|\__/ / /           cbogwill@cs.iastate.edu  |
|  |  __  < \| | | | | | | |  _     / / /                                     |
|  | |__|  |\| |_|_| | | |_|_| |\  / /_/              CYCLONES!               |
|  |______/ \|_______| |_______| |/_____|\             CYCLONES!              |
|   \______\/ \_______\|\_______\|\______\|             CYCLONES!             |