Re: TI-92 programs


Re: TI-92 programs

cbiffle@SAFETY.NET,Internet writes:
1. A periodic table where you can select an element with the cursors and hit
ENTER, and it shows you name, weight, electron shells, form-found-in-nature,
etc. etc.  It could also even do
"I-have-this-many-moles-how-much-does-it-weigh" or
"I-have-this-much-how-many-moles-is-that" computation.  The whole periodic
table wouldn't need to be displayed at any given time, one could maybe
scroll it or something.


This program is already made for the TI-92.  To download it, goto:

You'll also find it at

Have fun!       ;-)

--Ashu Chaturvedi
