3 bugs on TI92 ?
3 bugs on TI92 ?
Subject: 3 bugs on TI92 ?
From: Martin LORANG <Martin.Lorang@WANADOO.FR>
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 1996 16:47:04 +0200
In-Reply-To: <>
My ROM version is 1.3 October 20, 1995
1) Graph this function on a TI92 :
1 + x - 1
y1=----------- The result is 1 only for 0 it is undef.
but take a look on the graph with this parameters :
xmin = 0
xmax = 1e-12
xscl = 1e-13
ymin = 0
ymax = 2
yscl = 1
xres = 1
2) 112843*209263=23613864709
the result of factor(23613864709) is 23613864709
Is there a limitation in integer factorization ?
3) Try to calculate the det of that matrix
64919121 -159018721
41869520.5 -102558961 the result is 0 !!!
and with that matrix (the same with EXACT values)
64919121 -159018721
-------- -102558961 the result is -1/2 (correct)
Strange results ! or not ?
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martin.lorang@wanadoo.fr |___/