Re: Stop HP Spamming
On 3 Sep 1996 21:11:00 -0400, (Warren561) wrote:
>Hey, HP users!
>This is NOT a HP/TI Discussion group! This is a TI discussion group. If
>you want a TI/HP (Which is better?) discussion, start another newsgoup
>under the ALT catagory.
Well, it takes a lot of support to start a new group. If there is a
something vs. something thread, it doesn't really matter which group
it resides in. It would be a real pain if there "A vs. B" groups. In
every newsgroup I go into, there is usually a mac vs PC, microsoft
sucks, win95 vs mac, unix vs. nt, dole vs. clinton, Xwin vs crap...
blah blah. If these were all newsgroups, there would be more "VS"
type newsgroups there there are already. It's okay if there are some
"VS" threads as long as one of the "somethings" relate to the
newsgroup. BTW, I am a TI and HP user.... i like 'em both.
___ __ __
| "You can pick your friends, and | ( \ ( \/ ) |
| you can pick your nose; but you | ) ) ) ) ( |
| can't pick your friend's nose." | (___/ (_/\/\_) (Dean Mao) |