Re: TI-92 ROM versions (Please read if you have a TI-92)


Re: TI-92 ROM versions (Please read if you have a TI-92)

How do you check what ROM version you have?


David Ellsworth wrote:
> Please email me if you have a TI-92 with a ROM version not on this
> list:
> 1.2
> 1.3
> 1.4
> 1.7
> 1.8
> 1.10
> 1.12
> In the email, please tell me what ROM version you have and what date
> appears next to the ROM version when you press [F5] [Diamond] [(] from
> the Home Screen. Please preserve the exact format of the date, i.e.,
> if it is December 17, 1995, tell me December 17, 1995; if it is
> 01/03/96, tell me 01/03/96.
> Please also specify whether or not you have a link cable, and if you
> do, what kind of link cable it is (Graph Link, "$4" serial, or "$5"
> parallel), and what kind of computer you own.
> Thanks in advance. Your response will be greatly appreciated.
> ---
> David Ellsworth
> the project
> ---
