No error messages on the 92


No error messages on the 92

I did one of the options that are available when you see what version of
the calc you have and then press s.  Then I took out the batteries, not
the litium, and reset the memory.  Now I don't get any error messages.
This is really nice.  Like if I type in the line solve(x^2+4x+4=0,x  it
will just move the curser to the end, and I can put in the ).  It is
nicer because I don't have to clear the message, and it moves the curser
to the place that an error would occur.  If this happens to anone else,
let me know!  Also, someone posted that if you do the F5 dimond... and
then press p you will get a list of 18 names who worked on the calc.
This is not on mine.  Anyone else try this? for text mail! for mail with attachments only!