TI-92 vs. HP48GX


TI-92 vs. HP48GX

There are basically two variables in choosing the winning calculator.  If
you want a calculator with ease of use get a 92.  If you want one for
power get a 48gx.  The downsides for 92 is that it is bigger than hell,
has a qwerty keyboard( goes along with size), and it does not make good
use of its processor.  The downsides to the 48gx are that it uses reverse
polish notation as a default, and it takes a while to get used to where
everything is on it, etc.

Please, after you read this, don't respond.  I don't care about your
views, or criticisms.  I know I am right.  I'll treat any attempts at
downgrading my message as people just being jealous that they didn't come
up with the right answer before myself.  This whole calculator debate is
unfortuneatly based on fact, and contrary to popular belief, opinion is
not involved.