Re: Symbolic85


Re: Symbolic85

Against popular belief, it is quite possible to have the TI-85 give you a
symbolic differentiation answer ...

In fact, I wrote a symbolic differentiation program about 1 year ago.  It
will give you the actuall symbolic algebraic answer for many different
types of differentiation including: power rule, division rule,
multiplication rule,  basic chain rule, log rules, and a few others.  the
best part is that it is expandable - there is a simple format to follow, so
that once a new rule is understood, it can be programmed very easily and
added to the symbolic program as a sub-program.  The only limitation is
that it cannot handle more than one rule at one time. ( ie no chain rule
inside a division rule type equation )  If anyone is interested, mail me
and i'll see that you get a copy. I haven't touched the program in a while,
so if anyone would like to try to complete it ( add more kinds of
differentiation and solve the nested rules problem, feel free to give it a
try ).  have fun.


At 11:48 PM 10/27/96 -0600, Craig & Brandee wrote:
>This is just a quick question on the machine.  If I graph y1=x^2 then
>graph y2=der1(y1,x) it obviously gives me a parabola and the derivative
>( a straight line).  OK, is there any possible way with the calculator
>to make it display a formula for the function of y2.  Could this be
>achevied with the Strings in the calc?  Could this be a half-ass
>symbolic solver? Am I bariking up a non existant tree?  Any Ideas or
>insights would help. I am not a CS major so please be kind.
 \ JJ Johns
   \ Creator of The Not-So Complete TI-92 Archive
   / Observations:
  / "The quickest way to get an engineer to solve a problem
 / is to declare it it totally impossible."
