software SEEMS to only work on COM1
software SEEMS to only work on COM1
Subject: software SEEMS to only work on COM1
From: Daniel Cates <dancates@JUNO.COM>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 23:10:15 -0800
In-Reply-To: <>
I built the $4 calc link for the PC. It works with TI's original link
software for DOS (LINK85X.EXE v1.0) on Com1 and Com2. Every other
program (Connect85, Thriftylink, etc) won't work at all. The interesting
part is that if I switch the link to Com1, all of the software works,
except TI's newest software, of course. Anyone have any ideas as to why
Com1 works, but Com2 doesn't? Thanks!