Re: TI-83 to TI-82


Re: TI-83 to TI-82

The big thing I hate about the 83 (I have an 3-yr old 82) is that it
can only send L1-L6 to the 82. If you have the graph link, send it to
the 83 program, and convert it to an 82 program, and send it with the
82 prog. The 83 only adds functions, so it shouldn't be that hard to

On 28 Oct 1996 17:58:32 -0500, (GreatLlama) wrote:

>I don't have an 82 or 83, so I'm not real sure about this...
>The 83 can only recieve data from the 82.  The only things it can send are
>lists L1-L?.
>Once again, I'm not real sure about this, but I think that's how it works.
>-The Great and Powerful Llama
