Re: link
Re: link
On Sat, 26 Oct 1996 11:36:12 -0500, you wrote:
>I have bought all the parts for the link, but I can not find a TI - TI
>link. TI sells them for $50 and I do not want to mess up mine. is there
>anyway I can find a replacement.
>I red the instructions for the Parallel cable and I am lost. What does
>he mean by a "socket" link?
>Enrico Ng <>
I don't know about the socket link, I have not seen it in the
directions, but I do know that TI sells extra TI-TI cables for $5. Not
$50. Good luck!
Tim Gerla - / /\ \
/ /\ \ \
Tyball Dragon -==(UDIC)==- / / /\ \ \
Tyball@irc / / / \ \ \ /_/____\ \ \
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