Adventures? Chess?
Adventures? Chess?
Subject: Adventures? Chess?
From: Per-Axel Eriksson <acustic@ALGONET.SE>
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 1996 17:00:47 +0100
In-Reply-To: <>
Aren=B4t there any adventure-games available for TI-82.
I have seen one for the TI-85, but I haven=B4t seen any for TI-82.
Also...why aren=B4t there any Chess-programs out there?
That would not be impossible to write, would it...
There were a few for the ZX-81, (15 years ago), and It only had 16 kb wit=
expanded memory!
The Man,The Myth, The Concept;
Per-Axel Eriksson,=C4lmhult,SWEDEN."