Re: TI-85 vs TI-83
In article <>, says...
>> (Scott Grant) writes:
>> My son just purchased a TI-83 to use in his advanced algebra class.
Many of
>> his friends have a TI-85. He feels that the 85 has more useful
functions and
>> is faster. He would like to return his 83 and get an 85. Is this
>> The 83 is more recent, but it is an update of the 82. Is the processor
in th
>> 85 faster? Thanks for any information.
>> Scott Grant
>Both calculators use a Zilog Z80 processor running at 6 MHz. Any difference
>speed is due to differences in software, not hardware. Both calculators
will run
>assembly language, but on the TI-85, you need to use TI-GRAPH LINK to load
>full memory backup containing Zshell, an independently developed shell
>runs assembly language programs stored as strings. On the TI-83, you can
key in
>assembly language programs from the keyboard or load them with TI-GRAPH
>LINK and run them like any other program. TI provides a lot of support
>documentation for assembly language programming on the TI-83, but none for
> Harry
Just checking through all of this, I noticed that it's a good thing that I
bought the 83. But the ZShell issue has been annoying me, since I can't
seem to find any assembly language programs for the 83. Can anyone tell me
where I can get some programs, or at least how to write them? I've been
reduced to writing in the TI-Basic language, which, needless to say, is too
slow. And yes, I am primarily interested in games. Thank you