Re: Is there a Mac based home link?
Paul M. Bruner <z_brunerpm@TITAN.SFASU.EDU> Stated:
> Heres a thought, if the mac port is truely a serial, in the sence that
> you only need 3 wires to connect (receve,send,ground) coulden't you just
> use the IBM connector and plug one of those modem converting thinks(you
My TI Graphlink package has a DB-25 to little round MAC type adaptor,
collecting dust in the box. I have NO use for this mysterious piece of
hardware, but it shows that the serial ports on both machines are
compatible, just the connectors are different.
I will send this to the first student (no cheapskate rich ones please!) that
gets confirmation from me via email. You send a self addressed, stamped,
(probably 3 stamps will cut it) envelope. Make sure the envelope is big
enough to hold an 8 inch adaptor cable. And it's yours.
I also have a manual for the MAC Graphlink software that gets the same deal.
This booklet is 5 1/2" by 8 1/2".
> -Paul Bruner
> On Fri, 18 Oct 1996, JWardell wrote:
> > links. But with what TI has plans for the graph-link software in the
> > future, believe me you would wish you bought it then, and even now their
> > software is far superior.
Exactly my thoughts Josh!
> >
> > -Josh Wardell
> >
> >
-------------------------------------------------- using NetcPlus
A Mountain Man in Cyber Land