Tony Lieuallen <marvin@SATURN.SUPERLINK.NET> Stated:
> On Fri, 18 Oct 1996, Robert W McGrew wrote:
> > Good in theory. . . and that's what I thought just a coupla' days ago,
> > till I found out from the helpful folk here that the teeny tiny circuit
> I've been thinking (and can't try since I don't have a graphlink)... Couldn't
> you just put +5v into each of the calc end leads, and see where and how much
> comes out the computer end, and rig something up to do the same thing? If
> anyone will just get out the voltmeter, and try it I'll see what I can do,
> although I just know a little self-tought electronics, but maybe enough.
Take the little knowledge of DC voltage levels you discuss and get the
electronics books back out and study things like Impedence, Rise and Fall
Time, Bandwidth, Digital Switching Circuits, RS-232 Standard, EIA Levels, and
a few other related topics and then add a good Oscilloscope to your test
equipment list and you may have a fighting chance? :-) Electronics is a
whole lot more then just average DC Voltage levels. [seriously] I don't
want to be discouraging, just save you some time as there is much more to
reverse engineering then you mentioned.
I used to dream of being an Electronics Engineer and now I are one.
-------------------------------------------------- using NetcPlus
A Mountain Man in Cyber Land