Re: Home-brew Graphlink
Thanx! And yes, I do agree that Calc-TI is a very nice place to be!
List-ZShell is quite harsh though, since I've got an argument going on some
little thing like comming up with good ideas. That's y I've changed my
sig. Anyways, about the ZShell stuff, send mail to ""
and it'll tell you about FTPMail, where you can get programs through mail.
If you still can't get it working, write back, and I've got a solution (a
little more complex, but still easy to use)!
"Freedom of speech is in the constitution, abuse of it is in the slums"
-= =-
: From:
: To: Zenon
: Subject: Re: Home-brew Graphlink
: Date: October 18, 1996 9:32 AM
: >Well, I wish you good luck then! Here's the place with information
: >regarding many of the hardware projects currently out for the TI-85:
: >
: >BTW: I advise using the serial link...I DID get to the point where I
: >was
: >about to pull MY hair out and so did the author of this page!
: >
: >"Honors Master PhD of Idea Engineering"
: >-= =-
: Thanks, I'll head over there just as soon as I get a chance to!
: Everybody on Calc-TI is just so nice and helpful and everything (not to
: mention very talkative!).
: -|/|/esley McGrew