Re: TI83 expr() function - bug?


Re: TI83 expr() function - bug?

Harry Elam <> writes (E-mail)
>>Input "MATRIX? ",Str0
>>If N=0:Goto 99
>>Lbl 99
        Right on target! It works fine - thanks very much. I cut and
pasted the code straight out of your Email into a text file and ran it
via Graph-Link, and it ran first time, no sweat, so evidently the Graph-
Link software recognises the matrix tokens within the quoted string.
        I'll take the liberty of posting your solution (with
attribution) to the newsgroup later in the week, as it's a bit of
information that may be useful to other folks.
Stuart Dawson                          Dawson Engineering
49 Knockbracken Park, Belfast  BT6 0HL,  Northern Ireland                 +44 1232 640669

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