Re: TI-83 lower-case prompts and inputs?


Re: TI-83 lower-case prompts and inputs?

I have an 82. The 82 link on windows just says "Invalid format" if I
try to send a file with say an "f" in it. The mac vers sends it, but
they show up as " " (spc). I don't think TI put a "f" charactor in the
82/83 charactor set. No can do.

On Wed, 16 Oct 1996 18:35:47 +0100, Stuart Dawson
<> wrote:

>        I'm trying to talk my TI-83 into producing reliable lower case
>prompts and inputs. Inputting a program containing :
>        Disp "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
>via Graph-Link produces:
>        Disp "abcdeFGHIJKLMnOpQrstuvwXYz"
>on the TI-83. I posted about this back in August, and I've got as far as
>being able to hex-edit an .83P file and adjust the checksum so that it
>still runs. Hacking test files gives me a table of tokens for ASCII
>        A       &amp;41
>        .....
>        Z       &amp;5A             No problem
>        a       &amp;62 16
>        b       &amp;62 17
>        c       &amp;62 18
>        d       &amp;62 19
>        e       &amp;62 1A
>        f-m     *
>        n       &amp;62 02
>        o       *
>        p       &amp;62 22
>        q       *
>        r       &amp;62 12
>        s       &amp;62 34
>        t       &amp;62 24
>        u       &amp;5E 80
>        v       &amp;5E 81
>        w       &amp;5E 82
>        x-y     *
>        z       &amp;62 23
>        The TI-83 turns the *-ed entries into upper-case. Can anybody
>put me right on what tokens to substitute to get the missing lower-case
>Stuart Dawson                          Dawson Engineering
>49 Knockbracken Park, Belfast  BT6 0HL,  Northern Ireland
>                 +44 1232 640669
>Turnpike evaluation. For information, see
