Re: TI-85 vs TI-83
Re: TI-85 vs TI-83
Go for the TI-85. It is, in my point of view, more easyer to read. The
when you gointo any of the menus, it does not flip to another screen,
insted it produces a menu bar on the bottom of the screen and lets you
still see your work, nomater if your on the graph screen or the y=
screen, it works the same way. It also is a more powerful machine.
-Paul Bruner
On Thu, 17 Oct 1996, Scott Grant wrote:
> My son just purchased a TI-83 to use in his advanced algebra class. Many of
> his friends have a TI-85. He feels that the 85 has more useful functions and
> is faster. He would like to return his 83 and get an 85. Is this reasonable?
> The 83 is more recent, but it is an update of the 82. Is the processor in the
> 85 faster? Thanks for any information.
> Scott Grant