Re: Turbo charging 85?


Re: Turbo charging 85?

It is possible to increase the speed of the TI calculator by changing or
removing capacitor C9 from the mainboard... check for more info
on this.  It appears to increase power drain somewhat, and makes Zshell
games unplayable, so it is not for everyone... some people have implemented
a switch so they can go from turbo to normal mode...  BTW, it (duh) voids
any warranty you have left on the calculator, and may burn out the
calculator mode quickly...

At 21:37 10/16/96 GMT, The Grinch wrote:
>Somewhere recently I heard a sentence to the effect of "This will not work
>with turbo-charged TI-85s." Excuse me? Was this someone's idea of a joke
>or should I start drooling over the sheer possibilities? Somebody please
>mail me a clue.
>-The Grinch
| Peter Kolbus                           +1.810.474.0872 |
|      #include <disclaimer.h> |
| Due to financial difficulties, the light at the end of |
|   the tunnel has been permanently disconnected.        |
|                                                        |
| The packet goes out the card, into the copper, out     |
|   the router, onto the fiber, across the world, thru   |
|   the copper............       NOTHING BUT NET.        |
|                                                        |
| ***Written using 100% recycled electrons***            |
|         *** (80% post-consumer) ***                    |
